
网站建设 3317
本篇文章给大家谈谈网站建设的英文,以及网站建设的英文怎么说对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、建设英文网站的公司 2、








(我以前上过一个香港的网页 网页维谈做护的时候就这么写漏侍告的返明)


不少出口企业花钱在Google投放关键词广告,但糟糕的是广告所链接的网站由于出现大量的基础问题,影响潜在客户顺利获取产品信息和公司信息,导致潜在客户流失。以下是一些常见的问题:编码问题英文网站的浏览器编码可能还是中文编码“gb2312”,而不是国际化编码“UTF-8”或“ISO”系编码,将导致海外用户打开网页可能出现乱码,这种情况常见于那些中英文版本于一站的公司网站,网站建设服务商直接将企业的中文版翻译一遍,未对程序代码进行森毕英文版转化。 网页新窗口打开方式 链接新窗口打开方式是中文网站的特点,英语国家习惯采用当前页面打开方式,如果依然沿用新窗口开启方式,会与英语国用户习惯犯冲。 英文网站中国主机 潜在客户在哪里,主机地点就放置哪里,这是网站建设的基本原则之一。英文网站建设的主机最好放在英语国所在地。 中式英文翻译 很多出口企业将中文网页内容直接翻译成英文,但由于翻译者水平参差不齐,或者对企业的专业领域了解不透彻,经常难免出现中式英文翻译,令老外看不懂,直接觉得企业很不专业。 搜索引擎优化 英文网站要易于被google、yahoo等辩春旁英美主流搜索引擎检索到,需要在英文网站建设及内容维护中遵循一系列搜索引擎优化原则,由于涉及大量专业知识,很多英文网站建设服务商未能为出口企业考虑到这一点,导致网站的搜索引擎友好性不佳,携橡企业长期依赖投放搜索引擎广告才能获得用户访问,已经成为影响英文网站建设质量的首要问题。因此出口企业需要找专业的英文网站建设公司解决这一基本问题。 浏览器不兼容


In my previous column, ”What is a web content management solution?”(July/August 2001 ONLINE), I defined web content management (WCM) solutions and noted that each vendor defines WCM tools differently, making the choice of a product quite difficult.

There are a number of key areas of consideration that will help you with this decision. This column will be more in-depth, with the goal of describing a formal process and identifying a checklist of sorts for you follow.


Most of the criteria to be considered when choosing a WCM tool can be focused in three areas: (1) overall goals and strategy of the organization,(2)the specific requirements for functionality, and (3) the content management environment (including people and processes).

Criteria should flow directly from your organization’s business and strategic plans. A business plan defines the goals and objectives of the organization and explains whom your organization serves and how. A strategic plan provides the roadmap or blueprint your business will follow to meet the goals and objectives of the organization. A detailed strategic plan even defines how you will reach your different audiences in order to serve them. A web strategy goes to another level of detail, defining the specific set of web goals and projects that, delivers on individual aspects of the overall strategy.

In a perfect world, all these documents would exist and be relatively current. They would serve to guide a WCM tool selection and complement requirements-gathering. Most of us don’t live in that world; at our best, we muddle through by spending as much time as possible with end users, understanding their work. Creating a web strategy is harder than it sounds, since different constituents will have broadly divergent ideas on how things should be accomplished and prioritized.


As a first step in creating a web strategy, ask a representative group of your organization-your constituents-to prioritize a list of ways that the web can support the primary goals of the business. Then ask the group to define the different audiences who will be served with a web site and the type of content they may need, along with how that content will be identified, managed , and delivered perhaps it’s syndicated content or delivery to handhelds.

Broaden this exercise to include actual consumers of your services to get specific information directly from the most knowledgeable sources. The resulting information can be combined in a matrix of identified audiences mapped against the high-level functionality they require. For example, in a healthcare setting, one identified audience would be patients and a required functionality would be access to billing information. Additional required functionality such as online ordering, chat, and personalization would be identified for each constituency.


The web strategy sets up the process of gathering detailed requirements .Requirements-gathering is the difficult process of ending through wishes and desires in order to focus on and document absolute business requirements. Detailed technical requirements can be gained by working with users or constituencies to create initial-use cases for each functional area to more specifically define the transaction of value between user and system(in this case, your web site). Mapping functionality by user groups will begin to pinpoint the necessary technical requirements as functional requirements are considered against technical architectures, e.g., platforms, operation systems, database. Functional and related technical requirement can then be matched against particular products’ capabilities.


Your overall web strategy will also need to address how content will be created, maintained, and delivered. These are the primary areas of consideration for any content management effort, and will directly impact the type of WCM application you choose. There are several different methods for managing content in an organization with a large web presence-distributed authoring, centralized, or a mix of the two.

Distributed Authoring

One significant criterion is the nature of content authoring needed for your web site. What is your strategy for managing and developing content on your web site? Perhaps you are supporting distributed authoring, where virtually every individual in the entire organization is or can be an author. People participate within standards and guidelines or use an organization side template. This type of approach is built around a small core group that develops standards, policies and an evolving template. The core team establishes the environment, keeps the servers running and perhaps provides some training . It doesn’t gather and publish content. Authors participate by contributing content using templates and following standards for look and feel. They publish their content to the web site directly.

Distributed authoring is most often the strategy for a web site supporting multiple sub-sites or smaller, self-contained sites that branch from the parent site. My own organization’s web site consists of a variety of department and division web sites; each is maintained by a departmental web manager. We support a hybrid approach, both distributed and centralized, but emphasize the distributed approach, putting in place the necessary infrastructure, tools and process allowing departments to step through all phases of content management for their own area: content creation, management and delivery.

Distributed authoring puts tools in the hands of the people who know the content. It is based on the thought that the best people to create and post content is not the IT team, but authors themselves. The IT team becomes a group of technical webmasters. Their role in this scenario can also be to do a final check of content while it is on a staging server so that they can ensure that the content follows standards such as” look and fell” and metadata integration.

This strategy for content management requires that a person in each department be responsible for identifying and placing content into whatever process you’ve put in place to move content up to the server, either directly onto the production server or onto a staging server. A distributed approach generally requires choosing a WCM tool that makes participation to publish web pages easy. Participants shouldn’t need to know FTP and HTML in order to publish their content to the web . This ease of use is most often achieved through forms based content submission, where a web page is broken down into its component parts and content can be added or edited through a simple web-based form.

A disadvantage of this approach especially for a large site is that the quality of the content varies greatly. Uniformity across the entire site may suffer; those departments that understand the strategic value to their mission of publishing on the web may have significantly more sophisticated content than those that do not. Departments have varying levels of resources they can commit to such an effort and so there are discrepancies across the site with regards to quality. Organizations with heavy churn in their staffing have some difficulty with this model as well because appropriate web content depends on authors that know their content and the tools at hand.

Distributed authoring also requires a strong web support process , one that can adapt to a large and most often non-technical clientele that it serves. Although a WCM system can make it easier to support a distributed authoring approach, I’ve yet to see a tool that doesn’t require some amount of training and support to use. Be sure that your team will be able to handle the associated support it requires.

Distributed authoring also has to rely heavily on a governance structure. It leaves open the possibility that an individual department will modify or disregard the template. This makes the step of review before content goes into production highly important. As web-based communications become the avenue of choice for information delivery, more attention needs to be focused on reviewing content before going “live.” A distributed authoring approach, where the department publishes directly to the production server, places the departmental webmaster in the role of catching errors such as that based on a deeper knowledge of the law as it relates to publishing content. If issues of copyright and privacy are a concern, then the web staff may be required to develop a checklist with legal consultation and apply it to review content.

For organizations opting to use a distributed authoring model, the most relevant selection criteria for a WCM are:

* Ease of use. Is the content management tool simple to learn and use so that almost any employee can use the tool without a significant learning curve?

* Licensing. Does the content management tool provide a method of licensing that results in reasonable costs? If the licensing model is based on per-seat charges for each author, expect to spend significant time and money to keep licenses current. More appropriate licensing models are based on server horsepower(e.g. CPU speed and number of servers).

* Workflow. Is the content management tool scalable, especially with regards to number of contributors and associated workflows? Depending on your content management approach, you may need to support workflows for each department and for each type of content you publish. If you already have a process that works effectively for content management, make sure the tool’s workflow can fit your process (not the other way around!).




